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Some Details...
ALI JAMES (AJAY) is probably one of the most unique all round comedy entertainers mainly attributable to her vast previous experience in bands, and as part of a very successful comedy duo. She is indeed one of the current forerunners in clean comedy.
ALI JAMES has worked all over the continent with several appearances in the Middle East.
Her current blend of comedy with an excellent singing voice always leaves her audiences wanting more, whether it is for more laughs or more songs.
Ali James (Aka Ajay) can never be accused of being blue or offensive and does not use bad language. Her very busy schedule takes her to , Corporate events, Military balls, Masonic, Rotary, R.A.O.B, Golf clubs and Cabaret shows
She is in great demand for guest comedy/singing appearances on cruise ships and Thomson’s Holidays, appearing in their Gold Hotels in the Mediterranean where she is immensely popular.
ALI JAMES carries with her, her own powerful top of the range sound equipment and backing tracks. The studio reproduction along with her very powerful singing voice on stage, enhance her exceptional professional performances and enjoyment for her audiences.