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Wildest Dream The End

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You will have all heard the sad news the Wildest Dream will soon be no more...
It wasn’t an easy decision, and we both agonised over it for quite some months, but we feel now is the time to move on with new ventures in our lives.
We’ve spent over half our lives performing together and we’ve had some great experiences, some amazing shows….in fact one of our best ever gigs was this past year, and met some fantastic people.
Wildest Dream (or Wrathchild) was who we were, it defined us as people. The thought that one day it wouldn’t exist never even crossed our minds a decade ago. But we grow older, lives change and move on. We know we can’t do this forever, and it’s time to spread our wings and move on to pastures new.
You can imagine, neither of us wanted to let go of something that actually defined who we were. It was through Wildest Dream we both met our wives.
Our relationship was like a marriage in itself, the ups, the downs, the fighting through everything together.
We are extremely proud of what we’ve achieved with Wildest Dream. Especially as we came onto a scene that had “nowhere for us”. The band venues wanted bands with drummers…”you can’t play rock without a drummer”.
The duo venues didn’t want or were afraid of rock….so how we lasted this long I’ll never know.
But “rock” was about “sticking it to the man”, and not conforming…and the fact that we refused to conform to having a drummer, or not playing rock in order to get work is in essence more “rock & roll” than those that conform.
We were probably one of, if not the very first rock duo on the circuit and we paved the way for countless others. We know we’ve inspired people to play guitar, or to sing…so how can we not be proud of that?
But as Axl Rose once sang…”Nothing lasts forever, even cold November rain”,
And on this cold, wet (probably) day in November we have to say, this is the end.

But you didn't think we'd leave without saying both thankyou and goodbye to all the fans that have stuck by us over the years, come to the shows, bought the CD's, wore the T-Shirts.
We want to have one last party…and you’re all invited.
Let’s have our best ever gig be our last. We want to go out with a bang (And probably “Phantom” lol).
So….Friday 24th January 2020 we will be performing at the Soldiers & Sailors in Sawley/Long Eaton for the very last time together.
Tickets are £3…available from our last remaining gigs, or from the venue itself (from Mon 2nd Dec).


Wildest Dream The End


the end 
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