The Troggs at Mansfield Palace TheatreDate: Thur 21st May Time: 19:30 Presented by David Dickens Concert Promotions Back in Time Wednesday 21 May 7.30pm Great songs with glorious memories make a fabulous night out with some of the greatest bands from the 60's. 'The Troggs' with original members Reg Presley and Chris Britton appear, and they'll play some of their classic hits like 'Wild Thing' and 'Anyway That You Want Me'. This classic 60's band will be supported by 'The Move' featuring Trevor Burton and Bev Bevan from the original line up. They bring to life their memorable hits such as 'Blackberry Way' and 'I Can Hear the Grass Grow'. And if two great bands weren't enough the show also has a third rocking group from the era, 'The Love Affair' singing their greatest hits including 'Ever Lasting Love' and 'Bringing Back the Good Times'. Mansfield Palace TheatreLeeming StreetMansfield Nottinghamshire NG18 1NG (more) Would you like to see more information about Mansfield Palace Theatre? Let us know here and we'll do our best to get them listed and inform you when they are. The Troggs(more) Would you like to see more information about The Troggs? Let us know here and we'll do our best to get them listed and inform you when they are. |