Goose McCoy at Chilwell Road Methodist ChurchDate: Sat 25th Jul Time: 19:30 Chilwell Road Methodist Church Beeston Goose McCoy in Concert www.goosemccoy.com "Powerful harmonies and rock-solid rhythms from the fifties, sixties and seventies. Bring your dancing shoes!" Saturday, 25th July 7.30 p.m. Adults £5 Student/Child £2 Available from Church Office - 0115 9431164 Proceeds for Casa Alianza “Supporting Street Children in Central America” Chilwell Road Methodist ChurchChilwell RoadBeeston Nottingham (more) Would you like to see more information about Chilwell Road Methodist Church? Let us know here and we'll do our best to get them listed and inform you when they are. Goose McCoywww.goosemccoy.com(more) Would you like to see more information about Goose McCoy? Let us know here and we'll do our best to get them listed and inform you when they are. |