Boogie Street at ManhattansDate: Thur 8th Dec Time: 21:00 MANHATTANS IS BRINGING LIVE MUSIC BACK TO LONG EATON EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT THIS WEEK THE FABULOUS ROLLING CLONES ARE LIVE ON STAGE AT 10pm ALONG WITH £2 All cocktails £2 pints of Carlsberg Tetleys and Gaymers £2 Bottles of VHF and Carlsberg £2 Spirit and Mixer £3 Double ALL NIGHT LONG !!!!!! FREE ENTRY BEFORE 10pm (STAGE TIME) AND PARTY WITH OUR DJ INTO THE EARLY HOURS ManhattansClifford StreetLong Eaton Nottinghamshire (more) Would you like to see more information about Manhattans? Let us know here and we'll do our best to get them listed and inform you when they are. Boogie Streethttps://www.facebook.com/boogiestreeetband(more) Would you like to see more information about Boogie Street? Let us know here and we'll do our best to get them listed and inform you when they are. |