Battle Of The Bands at Intake ClubDate: Fri 11th Apr Time: 20:00 MANSFIELD & ASHFIELD CIDER & BEER FESTIVAL DATE: FRI 11TH APRIL - LIVE BAND SCHEDULE ADV £5 DOOR £7 INFO : THE JALAPENO'S + VICKERSTAFFS DOGHOUSE (GIG ROOM) + NO FIXED ABODE (LOUNGE AREA) website http://www.mansfieldcamra.org.uk/ Intake ClubKirkland AvenueMansfield Nottinghamshire NG18 5QP (more) Would you like to see more information about Intake Club? Let us know here and we'll do our best to get them listed and inform you when they are. Battle Of The Bands(more) Would you like to see more information about Battle Of The Bands? Let us know here and we'll do our best to get them listed and inform you when they are. |